Vacuum handling systems
Vacuum lifters airtight goods
GIS vacuum lifters guarantee the gentle handling of goods of different materials like wood, glass, stone, metal or plastic. Flat, convex and concave shapes with smooth, airtight surfaces can be safely, effortlessly and gently transported with the appropriate vacuum lifter.
Vacuum lifters permeable goods
From standard products for cardboard boxes or panels, to customer-specific versions, we offer a wide range of vacuum lifting solutions for goods with a slightly permeable surface. Small transport loads with frequent handling or heavy, unwieldy transport goods with unusual handling – every vacuum system is tailored to its use and assures gentle material handling.
In the showroom at our factory in Schötz, we present the wide range of GIS products, from the chain hoist for synchronous lifting, to the vacuum lifter for wooden panels, to the various types of slewing jib cranes. Start your virtual tour through our showroom here.